Monday, February 5, 2018

I Just Want to Drink My Coffee in Peace

I usually enjoy writing and sharing, as it has always been a way for me to relax and take my mind off of things, but this week, I'm not really feeling myself. Luckily for you that means less to read.

Let's carry on.

I went to the library and found ten books that I thought might be interesting to read. They say not to judge a book by it's cover, but that's more or less exactly what I did. Continuing with Austin Kleon's advice, he says to always be reading, so I plan on buying one of these and I'll get back to you with my opinion on it.

Something else Kleon recommends, taking a quote from John Waters, is having an unread library. I actually have quite a few books I haven't gotten around to reading yet (I promise your day will come) and keep a wish-list on my Amazon account to add to said collection. Naturally, most of them are design books to fuel my passion even more.
The others are manga.

The newest one to this collection is Poster Power, which was suggested to me by Teresa Sdralevich herself. As soon as I get my next paycheck it's going in the check-out cart. A few of these were sourced from Kleon's recommended reading list. It's a little humorous... when I finished the book for the first time I saw the list and bought the first two right after. My plan was to check off each one I finished until I read them all. Now it turns out we're required to read one for class anyways, so I guess that worked out for me.

The first one I finished was Ignore Everybody by Hugh MacLeod. It wasn't very long and had a lot of great advice (don't ever let me borrow a book because I love to write all over it). He shared his own experiences of being a "starving artist" in New York and proved that keeping a balance between a boring life and a creative one is the key to staying sane. I think it's a great book that any type of artist should read as alot of what he says is worth remembering.

I'll keep this post short and simple and leave it at that.
Now, I'm going to finish my coffee.

— B

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